Do you have £21k?
Take a minute to read either my ramblings below or the article which I've posted a link to
Are you thinking about getting a dog this Christmas? We all know that a dog is for life and
not just for Christmas but according to a study by Pro Dog Raw the average cost of owning a dog can reach
£21,000* for their lifetime! So, my question to you is...are you able to and willing to spend £21k on a dog? If not...then have a rethink. As I'm about to move to a five dog household I am fully aware of their costs. We all love our dogs, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't gamble (well the odd girls bingo night out). I have holes in my clothes, I don't go to a hairdresser, I don't have my nails done etc etc etc. I'm happy spending all I have on my woofers,
can you go without something for a dog? Are you happy going out in the frigging freezing weather (which is my favourite). What about going out in all the rain we had last month? (that sucked a LOT) Will you be happy giving your woofer a wash down after each winter walk before you warm up with a cup of coffee/cocoa? For me, £21k is well worth my sacrifices, I don't need up to date thingamagics and wotsitmahoozigs....Sorry I'm watching The Grinch right now so I'm going a bit word wobbly LOL but you get my anyway...have you got £21k? If you get a dog, they are for LIFE, they will LOVE you unconditionally and they DESERVE the best you can give them, which includes your time as well as your money!
*I'm pretty sure each of my dogs will be well over £21k to be honest, Dexter has had a £6k surgery, Cassi has had £3k of tests, Beanz has had £1k...Alan....I'm currently touching some wood! This doesn't included all the other bits and bobs that the insurance companies find a way of wiggling out of things...I've been with many insurance companies, they all have good, bad and ugly bits...they're "businesses" at the end of the day looking to make a profit. My first dog never had any claims accepted...he even cost me £1k once for a FART! Yes a FART, it could've been bloat...but no, it was a FART! A £1k FART! Their training has cost me thousands...yes thousands...I may be a dog trainer but all my dogs go to training. So, be ready for the unexpected, and also be ready for
NEVER being alone in the bathroom again!
Over £80k of fluff in the picture below*

*I would not change this for any amount of money back!