
Ezee Peasy Puppy Diary

Friday 30th December

First overnight with Ezee - AMAZING
Bedtime 1130pm
Wake 730am
Number of times woken in the night 0
Seriously, I'm not even joking on that one, but of course she had a very big day so to be honest a smooth night was to be expected.
What is my night time routine?
For my last three puppies I've done this same routine and I'm not inclined to change it anytime soon. Firstly, for me my puppy comes to my bedroom with me. My dogs ARE allowed on my bed if they want to, my dogs have the choice of where to sleep overnight. They can be on my bed, in my bedroom, on the landing or downstairs. To be honest they move around as they feel best suits their needs at the time and I'm happy with that. My dogs only get this free rein when they're past the peeing, pooping and chewing stage, this is usually 12-18 months old.
Therefore, before my puppy comes home my bedroom is set up with a crate next to my bed, I actually start with the crate raised so they're level with me in bed and I lower it as their routine and confidence builds. I know this may not suit everyone, but it suits me and it works for me so I'm sticking with it.
I have the crate filled with some cosy blankets, a chew toy and usually a cows hoof for them to nibble if they want to. I do not have water in the crate overnight as this does just make more mess and causes more bathroom breaks and we both need as much rest as possible to help us through the next day.
I also have a blanket over the crate but it is open at the front so my puppy can see me snoozing, again I think them seeing me asleep promotes for them to be asleep just as they would've done in their den at home with their mum and siblings.
If puppy cries then I decide what sort of cry is it? Is it for attention or do they need the bathroom. If it's for attention I may pop my hand by their crate so they can see I'm there and a little closer but I don't engage much more than this and I may even slide the blanket down to cover them up further. However, if its a bathroom cry I spring into action and my bathroom protocol kicks in (see later in my diaries about what I do with this).
Why do I do it this way?
Because by sticking to these clear and simple options it's clear to Ezee what will happen with what noise. If the bathroom protocol kicks in then after this it is straight back to bed with no fuss. If Ezee just wants a fuss this won't happen as I don't want her learning that playtime happens in the middle of the night. This way Ezee learns that if she goes to the toilet in the night it doesn't mean the games then begin, it is toilet then back to bed. Any whinging doesn't gain anything from me at all.
How do I prepare for my night time routine?
Firstly, I will try and spend an hour and a half to two hours with Ezee just moving around and playing with her to ensure she's tired and ready for bed.
I make sure that Ezee has had a few visits to the garden in the last half hour before bed, she gets easily distracted in the garden with leaves, noises, smells, bugs...anything, so I need to give her as many opportunities as possible to relieve herself.
Her crate is set up next to my bed, as previously mentioned at my head height to begin with, with a blanket to ensure she's warm but also to cut out distractions of me or the other dogs moving around in the night.
I make sure she has a couple of chew toys in her bed should she want something to do.
Finally, I do make up an emergency Kong! I keep this in the bathroom so it's not in direct sight/smell of her or the other dogs. Then should she really be unsettled she can have a little something to eat to help her settle down, although this is likely to bring on a bathroom break in the night so I only use this when absolutely needed.

I keep it all the same so each night Ezee will begin to learn the routine and that bedtime is next to help us both have a long and peaceful night.

Date: 30/12/2022