Bedtime 9pm
Wake 615am
Number of times woken in the night 1 - 130am for a poop
Accidents indoors 1
First trip out today, to the coffee shop and pet shops. Of course, Ezee is being carried as her vaccinations have not been completed, her next vet appointment is on the 4th January for a health check with my vet and another vaccination.
I started her off at a pet shop, of course new toys are needed for her and my other dogs and it is nice for her to see some other people, those that wanted a hug could of course have one, I was careful about her meeting other dogs in the pet shop though as you don’t know about that dog’s health.
From the pet shop off to her first coffee shop visit, which was a huge success as she was completely exhausted from the pet shop visit so she just said hello to my friends and then passed out on my lap completely unphased by the comings, goings and noises of the coffee shop. Just what I want with my pups, able to settle in a coffee shop and I’m happy. After a quick coffee I popped her back in her carry bag and we headed off to another pet shop for more yummy snacks for her siblings to keep them occupied while she has a little more attention than they do to start with.
She was so exhausted from her morning that I was actually able to put my computer on and do a little bit of work as I’d not looked at work for a couple of days so that was nice as I just know she’d grab hold of my laptop cable and chew it and as I cannot get another power cable for my current laptop this one is vital to me as my laptop will only work when it is plugged into the mains now…sadly Santa did not bring me a brand spanking new laptop…maybe next year!
Ezee had all her meals, she does seem to love her food. I personally give her last meal around 6-7pm, this gives some time for things to start moving before bedtime. I know a middle of the night visit is inevitable but this at least helps a little.
I always follow the same protocols with all my puppies for night time ablutions. If the squeak, whinge, whine etc, if it’s just a couple of noises I see if it passes and that they’ve just woken up but they know where I am as they can see me. If the noises increase then I take this seriously that a bathroom break is needed. I quietly remove my puppy from their crate and carry them to the back garden to avoid any distractions along the way. I have my coat and shoes ready to go as for some reason I always end up with a puppy over winter! Then it’s just a case of slip them on, pop puppy down outside and watch and waitMy puppies are only ever given a few minutes outside at a time so they learn that outside is not playtime, it is bathroom time. If they do not perform then I pop them back in their crate indoors and try again a short while later (just when it suits my schedule) this way I know they’re not going to come straight in from the garden and toilet on my floor. Puppies will try to avoid soiling their bedding as much as possible so generally if I have to have a take two the performance is quick in coming and then free access can be given where they’re allowed.
Because of this no fuss garden regime it is simple for my puppy to understand that even in the middle of the night, it is garden for business then back inside for whatever is next on the agenda.