Don't try and attempt something that is just too much too soon for your puppy/dog at whatever stage of training their at.
For example if your woofer can do a perfect SIT indoors in the living room, it doesn't mean they can do this in the garden or on a busy beach.
You need to think about the 3Ds all the time when you're training your dog.
If you're struggling you need to lower the Ds if you're succeeding lots then you can increase the Ds.
You need to learn which D needs to be adjusted and which way to help your dog succeed and improve all the time.
Don't set them up to fail by trying to teach them something new in a place they find too distracting. Break things down into small manageable chunks!
This week keep your focus SIMPLE.
Pick ONE behaviour to really focus on this week.
For example SIT
Does your dog respond immediately to the sit cue?
If not don't repeat it, think about why they're not responding to the cue!
Do they really understand the cue?
Is there something too distracting meaning the cue isn't as valuable to whatever else is interesting them.
Build on the value of the cue by keeping things easier and building up slowly so that you DO get an immediate response to a cueIf you need to bring it back into your living room where the environment is controlled then do this.
If you can get a great sit at a roadside but not in the middle of the woods then work more between the two.
There are lots of things to think about but keeping it simple and building up slowly are so importantLet us know how you get on!
Stay waggy
Team Mojo